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Hello and welcome to SCIX African Trade Talks :)

Dec 17, 2021

In this episode we speak to Marco Van Embden an expert in the tourism industry with over 30 years of travel experience.  He speaks to us about what it takes to create a unique travel experience in Africa. He discusses with us about  some of the opportunities available for intra-Africa tourism. Challenges being faced...

Dec 10, 2021

In this episode we speak to Andrew Mold an international Economist expert. He talks to us about some of the projects in the works by the Regional Office for Eastern Africa-United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. He then takes us through what makes the African market attractive, what we can do to attract more...

Dec 3, 2021

In this episode we speak with Aaron Munetsi a veteran in aviation industry. He takes us through his career journey to being the CEO of AASA (Airlines Association of Southern Africa). He discusses with us why air transport is expensive in Africa and how we can improve the aviation industry in Africa. Following the...

Nov 29, 2021

In this episode we speak to Ms Lara Utian, programme coordinator for Canex Summit at IATF2021. She speaks to us about the vision for Ladima foundation and the creative industry in Africa. She breaks down for us the gender inequality in the creative space and benefits of having a thriving creative industry for the...

Nov 25, 2021

In this episode we tackle cyber security in Africa. Our Guest Harley Morlet breaks down for us the awareness and the biggest threats of cybersecurity in Africa. He then discusses the opportunities and risks around this and what cyber security would mean for continental free trade environment.

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